Tuesday, October 9, 2007

FDA to consider new class of drugs

The FDA has been making some pharmacy news lately, which only makes sense for the Food and DRUG Administration. Apparently the FDA announced back in March at the Annual Meeting in Atlanta that they were going to look closer at the creation of a third class. This floated under the radar for most of us, until the FDA released a statement announcing that they were going to have a public meeting on November 14th to discuss the issue (it's in Washington though...bummer. Oh, and it's a long statement from the FDA too, I think it's just kind of cool to have the original document posted. Gotta love the internet!!) Here are a couple articles on the issue as well: a CNN/Dowjones article and a Reuters article that is a little more in depth and some commentary from mainly OTC companies (they're against it) and from the National Association of Drug Chain Stores (they're for it).

This will be a very interesting story to follow in the coming months, and though I won't be able to make it, here's the link to register for the meeting in D.C. Let me know how it is. However, for a more accessible way to voice your opinion, here's the link to submit comments to the FDA-the link is open until November 28th. Here's your chance to tell the FDA what you think about having a third class of drugs!

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