Wednesday, January 30, 2008

An option to an HIV vaccine

Hey, third years, do you remember your HIV drugs? Yeah, me neither. But maraviroc/Selzentry prevents the virus from binding to the cell, and then enter into it. According this WSJ article (which, by the way, I realize I need to pay much more attention to since it seems they have the most up-to-date information regardless of the fact that they are owned by Rupert Murdoch now) Pfizer is taking a different approach to preventing AIDS. If you remember back to last fall, Merck halted their research into the HIV/AIDS vaccine realm due to findings that more people were contracting HIV after the vaccine than those in the control group....yeah. But this takes a different route, namely, the vaginal route. Pfizer is even working with a non-profit to develop this, and hopefully release it to women in areas of high occurence. A very interesting approach to prevention....

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