Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why are Obama's cabinets so important?

I mean, really. When my parent's got new cabinets, no one cares. When I do, again: No media attention. But all of a sudden, you're elected Pres-elect, and everyone cares about your kitchen...wait, what? Oh...boy, is my face red.

So, this is kind of huge. Well, maybe not huge, but it's going to have an effect on pharmacy. How? Well, I don't know. Sorry. But, Daschle's reportedly been angling for this for awhile. He supported the failed Hilary Health Care plan from the 90's (first years may not remember that, so here's some info on it) and is up for health care changes. Include the fact that meds take a huge chunk of overall health care (according to this vid) and you can expect some changes to occur in...oh...say...the next four to eight years.

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