Thursday, March 27, 2008

Minnesota = Kind of a big deal

For those that went to APhA2008, you received the most recent copy of JAPhA, you may have seen this. You remember MTM? Well, apparently, it saves patients a lot of money on their medical expenses. Now, I'm no genius, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. So I think that people may pay attention to the cost savings that can occur with MTM, and will help for it to be reimbursed. Good work to the good folks at Fairview Hospitals and Clinics and the good ol' University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. I also think it may fall in line with the goals of Project Destiny, a collaboration between APhA, NACDS and NCPA.

Also, just a reminder of other cost savings programs, here's some info on the Asheville Project, which most of you have likely heard of by now.

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