Wednesday, September 19, 2007

HC Squared

Health care * Hilary Clinton=News. I'm not sure if it's because I listen to NPR while stuck in traffic (which happens a lot if you drive 94 at 8am and 5pm) but I've heard quite a bit of press devoted to this in the past day or two, and we are almost 14 month from the Presidential election. The last time there was this much hype and money thrown about was the race for MPSA president....oh wait....

Back to the topic at hand: Health care, and more importanly health care reform. Me, personally, I'm not all that politically informed beyond listening to the radio, which works well because I don't want to be biased on this blog. I save that for my other blog: But, I thought I would dig a little deeper for you MPSAers and provide some info.

Hilary Clinton's last foray into health care reform occurred way back in 1993-94 when her hubby was president. In fact, Dr. Schondelmeyer served on the committe that worked on this project. I was about to enter the awkward age of puberty so I don't remember too much about it, but it was a big defeat for what became known as "Hillarycare" She was pretty much lambasted for her role, and it very likely will taint her next effort to take on the health care crisis. Lots of comments can be found, but here is the CNN article on her plan here. If I see an interesting comment or discussion, I'll try and post it, or if you, the loyal blog-reading public see one, please post it on the comments section.

I don't think I need to lay out how important all of this is to pharmacy. I think we all have experienced the patient that doesn't have insurance, or has recently gone off insurance and is buying medications that may keep them or a loved one alive. I don't know the right answer to solve the health care crisis, but it doesn't take an intelligent person to point out that at some point, something is going to have to change. Whether that is this plan, or something very different, I think we and the rest of the public need to look through the individual plans themselves before criticizing and saying it won't work. My two cents.

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